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Kvant Burstberry Front


体积小巧、功能齐全、内置特殊效果和3W白色LED闪光灯的RGB全彩激光投影系统 -这就是Kvant Burstberry...

产品类型: 全彩/半导体二极管激光系统
承诺功率: 2000mW
使用场所: 室内户外激光投影与激光动画
Kvant Spectrum 20 A.jpg

Laser-LED bar [RED]

Laser bars have become very popular during the last few years and we have them in our portfolio too. To develop one is not...

Type: single colour semiconductor diode laser system and white LED light [static beams only]
Laser class: 3B
Laser output: 10 x 170mW/638nm (red)
Kvant Spectrum 20 A.jpg

Laser-LED bar [GREEN]

Laser bars have become very popular during the last few years and we have them in our portfolio too. To develop one is not...

Type: single colour semiconductor diode laser system and white LED blinder [static beams only]
Laser class: 3B
Laser output: 7 x 80mW/520nm (green)